When Do I Stop Feeding My Boston Terrier Puppy Food?

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Boston Terriers are classified as small to medium dog breeds. This means that they grow at a faster rate compared to large breed dogs. Since they are fast-growing, their nutritional needs change quickly as well.

So, when do you stop feeding Boston Terrier puppy food?

When Do I Stop Feeding My Boston Terrier Puppy Food?

You should stop feeding your Boston Terrier puppy food once they reach the age of 9 months. Although they are still considered puppies until they reach the age of 1, the transition to adult food should start gradually.

You also need to reduce how often you feed your Boston Terrier at this stage.

Graphic image of a Boston Terrier beside a dog food package with a text explaining that you should stop feeding Boston Terriers puppy food when they're 9 months old

The amount of food that you give your Boston Terrier greatly depends on their age, weight, and activity level. You should not just give them food whenever they seem to ask for it. A proper feeding schedule should be observed to avoid unnecessary illnesses.

Boston Terrier Feeding Guide

Age Type of Dog Food How Often?
Two to three months PuppyThree to four times a day
Four to six months PuppyThree times a day
Seven to 12 months PuppyTwice a day
12 months and older AdultTwice a day

Puppy Age Feeding Guide

Below is a guide that shows how to feed your Boston Terrier according to its age and needs. Remember, this guide is not written on stones. It may change depending on the specific needs of your Boston Terrier and your vet’s recommendation.

2 to 3 Months Old

This is the beginning of your puppy’s weaning stage. At this age, they start to depend more on wet puppy food rather than their mother’s milk. A high-quality, special puppy diet should be given to them to ensure that it will meet their developmental needs. 

Do not give them adult food or dry food immediately since it will be harder to digest. You can feed them at least 3 to 4 times a day.

4 to 6 Months Old

Their feeding schedule should be reduced to 3 instead of 4. They are still very playful at this age and need to replenish their energy immediately. Their body structure will also start to change and be more mature. Still, you should not feed them adult and dry food at this stage. 

Boston Terrier

7 to 12 Months Old

You should start feeding them twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. You may also begin switching between puppy food to adult dog food for Boston terriers. Do not change their diet instantly. Ask your vet for the recommended transition and appropriate food type for your Boston.

Switching From Puppy Food to Adult Dog Food

Changing your puppy’s diet abruptly can cause an upset stomach, loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea. To avoid this from happening, you should plan the diet change in a course of a week or two. If your puppy has allergies, it’s better to consult your vet before deciding on a new diet.

Here’s an example of how you should do the gradual transition from puppy food to adult dog food.

  • If you are feeding your Boston Terrier a cup of puppy food, at least ¼ of it should be changed to the new diet for a few days. (75% puppy food and 25% adult food)
  • After 3 to 4 days, the mixture of their food should be 50% puppy food and 50% adult food.
  • After another 2 to 3 days, the puppy food should be reduced to 25% and the adult food should be 75% of their meal.
  • Lastly, after 2 more days, 100% adult food should be given to your Boston Terrier and the transition is now complete.
Boston Terrier excited for his feeding time

You may also use this guide if you want to change the kind of food your Boston Terrier is eating. However, it may vary from one dog to another. Depending on their reaction to the food change, you can speed it up or slow it down.

How to Make Feeding Easier for Your Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers may have difficulty eating because of the shape of their face. It may sometimes be hard for them to eat and breathe at the same time. These tips may help your Boston Terrier consume their food in an easy manner. 

  • Choose dry food that is easy to pick up and chew. Kibble with different shapes and textures, for example, is easier for Boston Terriers to get rather than small, round ones.
  • Use a feeding bowl designed for brachycephalic breed dogs. It can be an elevated feeding bowl or a titled one. Using this Boston Terrier-specific bowl will reduce flatulence and eating difficulty.
  • Feed your Boston Terrier at least an hour or two before you leave the house. Once you get home, wait for at least an hour again before feeding them. This feeding routine will help reduce the risk of them having separation anxiety and will promote good digestion.
  • Choose a vet-approved canned or dry food especially if your Boston Terrier has special needs.
  • Before giving any supplements, consult with your veterinarian first. Too much or too little of the necessary vitamins and minerals can lead to developmental problems.
  • If digestive problems occur during the transition of puppy food to adult food, stop it for a while and ask your vet for a possible reason. Allergy is the most common reaction to a changed diet.
  • Opt for a healthy, natural treat rather than processed ones.
  • Make sure that your Boston Terrier has access to fresh, clean water at all times. 
  • As much as possible, be right beside your Boston Terrier during mealtime. In case there are accidents, you will be available to assist him and do the necessary actions.
Hand cradling a dog's face

Is It Ok for Boston Terriers to Eat the Same Dog Food for Years?

It’s generally okay for Boston Terriers to eat the same dog food for years. Be sure that the food is appropriate for your pet’s age, lifestyle, and medical condition.

Should You Change a Boston Terrier’s Food Periodically?

If your Boston Terrier enjoys its current food, there’s typically no need to change it. However, you should change the food if your vet recommends a special diet due to conditions like kidney disease, obesity, or diabetes.

Is It OK to Mix Two Different Dog Foods for a Boston Terrier?

You can temporarily combine two different dog foods when your Boston Terrier is transitioning to a new brand or type of dog food. You can do this for about one to two weeks. After that, stick to one type.

What should You Feed Your Boston Terrier Puppy? | Boston Terrier Diet |


Your Boston Terrier will not stay as a puppy forever and a change in its diet is necessary. Transitioning to adult food should be done slowly and carefully. Consider your Boston Terrier’s specific needs and don’t hesitate to ask for help from your vet.