When it comes to dogs, spraying has become important to prevent breeding that could end up in unexpected puppies. If you have a dog, you might be wondering when you should spay your Yorkie, and what are the benefits of doing so.
When Should You Start Spaying Your Yorkie?
You should spay your Yorkie between the ages of 4 and 5 months. However, you can do it safely after they are 4 months old. Also, gender has no bearing on when you should neuter your Yorkie; all puppies benefit from being neutered at a young age.
However, weight does influence when you should spay them. If your Yorkshire Terrier has a healthy weight, you can spay them; yet, if they are underweight, you must wait. This is done to avoid anesthetic complications, which could occur if they are too young and underweight.
Additionally, sickness can also influence when you should do it. As a rule, remember, you should never spay your dog if they are sick. Since spaying is a surgical operation, your dog will need time to recover from it. If they are sick, this recovery might get harder for them.
What Happens During a Spaying Procedure?
After you decide when to spay your Yorkie, you must submit your dog to surgery, which could be scary if you don’t know what will happen. Under anesthesia, your female Yorkshire Terrier’s tummy will be shaved, and its uterus and ovaries removed.
If your dog is fit and has a healthy weight, the anesthesia will be nothing to worry about. Once your dog is asleep, the vet will put a breathing tube in them and begin the operation. They will make an incision below the belly button and subtract the reproductive tract, the uterus, and the ovaries.
Once they are done, they will start stitching your dog; they should only make between two to three stitches under your dog’s belly. Though you should not worry about them, these stitches will disappear over the course of four months.
What Happens if My Vet Used Staples?
If your vet used staples when spaying your Yorkie, they would probably need to be removed. If so, your vet will tell you to take your dog back after ten to fourteen days. In the course of these days, you should not bathe nor put your dog underwater.
Benefits of Spaying Your Yorkie
After spaying your Yorkie, you will be able to see some improvements in its behavior and health. Also, there are some hidden benefits that you need to know before spaying your dog. Here you can see some of them.
- Serener nature. Since their genitals are used to produce hormonal changes, their subtraction will result in a calmer temperament for your Yorkie. Also, they will not get in heat.
- It eliminates any disease affecting their reproductive system. For example, they will be less likely to get ovarian or mammary cancer and will be less likely to develop vaginal infections.
- Prevents pregnancy. This is the main reason why dogs are spayed, and it prevents them from having puppies. In this case, Yorkies will avoid hormonal changes and pregnancy-related health issues.
- Decreased territorial issues. This is great if you have other dogs in your house. After spaying, your dog may stop being territorial around others, preventing fights.
Possible Health Risks
As mentioned before, spaying your dog might pose some health risks. However, these risks are mostly avoidable, such as not spaying your dog while it is sick. If you do it, your Yorkshire Terrier might have anesthetic problems. Since Yorkies are a small breed, they are prone to having these complications.
For instance, they are at an increased risk of suffering from hypothermia during the surgery. This is why all vets will lay your dog over a heated blanket. On top of that, small dogs are easier to overdose. Therefore, the procedure needs to be done carefully.
Lastly, spraying your dog before they get to four months old might develop urinary incontinence later in their lives. This is because you will be messing with their system without it being fully developed.
Related Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions about spaying a Yorkshire Terrier
How Long Will My Yorkie Take To Recover From Spaying?
Typically, your Yorkie will recover from spaying in ten to fourteen days. If your dog feels ill after this period, you should take them back to the clinic. You should keep them from running and jumping too hard during these days.
After all, this may reopen their stitches.
What Can Happen if I Spay My Yorkie When It Is Too Young?
Spraying your Yorkie when it is too young may interfere with its development; after all, its system requires time to function. Their ligaments, bones, and urinary tract will suffer if they do not. Their hormones require time to mature properly before they are sprayed.
How Can I Prepare My Yorkie for Spaying?
You should wait to feed your Yorkshire Terrier to prepare them for spaying. They should also be taken to the vet before eating breakfast. The only other precaution you may take is to perform a blood test on them.
This will ensure that they are healthy enough to undergo surgery.
Spraying is a useful procedure that can benefit your dog. However, to prevent risks, you must know when to do it. Yorkies are safe to spay after four months of age in this case.