Everything You Need To Know About a Seal Boston Terrier

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Seal Boston Terriers are small, muscular, and sturdy. These dogs also have a black nose, brown eyes, and a short coat with white markings. Additionally, the dogs look black, however, their coat may have a red cast in direct sunlight. Here’s everything you need to know about a Seal Boston Terrier. 

Everything You Need To Know About a Seal Boston Terrier

Seal Boston Terriers have a black and white-colored coat, which makes them acceptable by the American Kennel Club (AKC). The dogs are also gaining popularity due to their great temperament, prominent eyes, and cute looks. 

Graphic image of a Boston Terrier with a text that describes what Seal Boston Terriers are

One of its most desirable characteristics is being an excellent guard dog as it can alert you when someone is at the door. Their loyalty to family members is also impressive. What’s more, these dogs stay calm unless provoked. 

What Are The Characteristics Of Seal Boston Terriers?

There are many reasons why dog lovers bring home seal Terriers. Below are some of their key, attractive traits:


Seal and white markings are the typical appearances of a seal Boston Terrier. Any solid seal, black, or brindle Boston Terrier does not meet the breed standard without white markings.

Boston Terrier

The head of a seal Terriers is large with a wide skull. It also has erect ears with a short muzzle and well-defined jaws. Their legs are strong and straight while their back slants slightly from the withers. 

This little dog also has a short tail and smooth coat that’s easy to take care of. Additionally, their small bodies make them fit anywhere easily including on the bed or couch. 


Apart from its attractive looks, one thing dog handlers like most about the seal Terriers is their temperament. They are extremely gentle, lively, lovable, and enjoy pleasing their owners. While aggressive behavior is rare, you should avoid raising them in an environment that can make them violent. 

Seal Terriers also like playing ball games and are polite with kids and other pets. Like other Boston Terriers, these dogs aren’t fond of barking, making them perfect for small apartment dwellers. They’re are also an ideal choice for first-time owners because they are easy to train.

Size and Weight

Seal Terriers are small dogs that can grow up to 12-17 inches in height. Their weight is similar to other Boston Terriers however, there can be a difference in females’ and males’ weight. Females can weigh between 15-20 pounds while males can weigh between 20-25 pounds. 

Seal Boston Terrier

How to Identify a Seal Boston Terrier

Have you ever wanted to know if a seal Boston Terrier is real? The seal has become a catch-all word for Boston Terriers of all colors, perplexing some pet owners. The seal is a tricky color to identify for individuals unfamiliar with the Boston Terrier breed.

Those already familiar with them may also be confused. The color of the coat is neither red, brown, liver, nor chocolate. Even though it appears dark and almost devoid of color, it reveals its color when exposed to direct sunshine. 

When the light catches the coat in just the right way, red undertones peek through, giving it the appearance of a wet sea lion. So, the simplest way to tell if a Boston Terrier is a seal is to hold it up to the light and check the color.

Seal Boston Terriers Dietary Requirements

Feeding your Seal Boston Terrier the right diet for them can improve their health. For instance, if your dog is under one year, give them food high in protein and fat. Foods containing these ingredients promote muscle and bone health and can help your puppy grow faster. Also, choose quality food and avoid those with allergens. 

Seal Boston Terriers Exercise Requirements

Seal Boston Terriers require plenty of exercise to keep them active and control their weight. Exercising your Seal Boston Terrier for one hour every day is good enough. Some basic exercises you can perform with your dog include:

  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Playing fetch
  • Climbing stairs

Seal Boston Terriers Training Requirements

Since Seal Boston Terriers are intelligent puppies, you should start training them while they are still young. When training your Seal Boston Terrier, expose and introduce them to other pets and be consistent with your training schedule.

The first step in your seal Boston Terrier’s training is to housebreak (or house-train) them. It will build the groundwork for your dog’s good behavior for the rest of its life. There are five main areas in which to train your dog at home:

  • Potty training: Choosing a toileting area for your dog can help you create a routine. Furthermore, the schedule informs your Seal Boston Terrier that there are periods for everything, including eating, playing, walking, napping, and pooping. 
  • Crate training: It aids in toilet training, adapting your dog to traveling in a carrier, and serving as an open sanctuary where your dog can feel comfortable and retire. 
  • Leash training: Every dog should be able to walk on a leash at some point. It is critical to use a collar and leash appropriate for your seal Boston Terrier’s strength, size, and age, as this makes a significant impact.
  • Socialization: It entails exposing your seal Boston Terrier dog to new people, animals, and environments to train it to be comfortable around them. Throughout your terrier’s life, you should continue to expose it to new people and environments.
  • Basic commands: Your seal Boston Terrier must learn to obey and follow your commands. It would be best to start with the basics, such as sit down, stay, come, and leave it. Just start with one instruction at a time and work your way up.

Seal Boston Terriers Grooming Requirements

Seal Boston Terriers do not require much grooming because they have short hair. However, bathe them and brush their coat occasionally to keep it clean. You should also trim their nails and brush their teeth regularly to prevent oral health problems. 

Seal Boston Terriers Health Issues

Seal Boston Terriers can live up to 15 years if they are well cared for. However, like most other dogs in this breed, Seal Boston Terriers are susceptible to some health conditions that you should be aware of. Below are the most common ones:

Couple sitting on the couch with their Seal Boston Terrier

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the primary cause of mortality in aged Boston Terriers. The weakening of a valve is the most common cause of heart disease in dogs. A heart valve gradually deforms to the point where it no longer closes tightly.

The heart is then strained as blood flows back around the valve. Heart valve disease (also known as mitral valve disease) causes a heart murmur in pets.

Seal Terriers may suffer from congenital heart problems. Unfortunately, this condition can take long before showing up. While most heart issues are genetic, some can be caused by overfeeding your dog. That’s one of many reasons why you should manage your puppy’s diet to control her weight. 


This is an eye condition that occurs when the eyelid of a Seal Terrier rolls inward. Other eye infections can be caused by ulcers on the cornea or dry eyes, which can be corrected by surgery or by visiting a vet for regular check-ups.

Hair loss

Premature baldness affects both male and female seal Boston Terriers. The hair eventually falls out and does not regrow. The loss of hair does not cause itching, though the skin can become dry at times. Typically, the neck, chest, belly, and insides of the legs are affected. 

Ensure you run tests to rule out any treatable conditions that cause hair loss, such as thyroid hormone deficiency. If your pet has genuine pattern baldness, your vet may be able to aid you with supplements or hormones, though there is no cure.

Hip Dysplasia

This occurs when the joint and ball socket of your Seal Terrier doesn’t fit properly into the hip socket. In turn, the two bones start rubbing against each other and eventually deform the hips. Check out these signs to know if a dog is suffering from this problem:

  • Your puppy is having difficulties climbing the stairs
  • Your puppy doesn’t want to run or jump
  • Your puppy is limping while walking

Spinal Deformities

Boston Terriers, especially seal Boston Terriers, are more prone than other dogs to be born with spine abnormalities (hemivertebrae), which can cause injury to the spinal cord, instability, and impairment.

Professionals recommend taking X-rays while your dog is young to be sure you catch any abnormalities early. Signs and symptoms may worsen with age, weight, and activity.

Suppose your Seal Boston Terrier develops signs of back difficulties later in life; your veterinarian will rule out other possibilities like a sprain or arthritis and may recommend medication, acupressure, or rehabilitation.

Where To Buy Seal Boston Terriers

If you want healthy Seal Terriers, avoid buying from pet brokers or puppy mills. Instead, select a reliable breeder such as the American Kennel Club. The club can give you health certificates to ensure you’re buying a healthy dog. The cost ranges from $600-$1,200.

Boston Terrier Colors And Patterns | Types Of Boston Terrier colours


Seal Boston Terriers are remarkable dogs and are worth the investment if you’re considering getting one as your pet. However, before bringing one home, ensure they can adapt to your environment.

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