How Much Does a Terrier Weigh?

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Dogs differ in weight due to their breed, age, sex, genetics, and health. With that said, how much does a Terrier weigh? Since there are different types of Terriers, I’m sharing their actual weight ranges, along with what you can do to ensure your pet has the ideal weight.

How Much Does a Terrier Weigh? 

Small Terriers like Rat Terriers can weigh from 12 to 35 pounds, whereas Yorkies can range from four to six pounds. Jack Russells, Border Terriers, and Boston Terriers normally won’t go beyond 25 pounds. Larger Terriers like Bull Terriers, Staffy, and Pitbull Terriers can range from 35 to 75 pounds.

Graphic image of a Yorkie, Pit Bull Terrier and a weighing scale with a text explaining how much Terriers usually weigh

Age, diet, activities, and living conditions may influence a Terrier’s weight. Since weight can affect your pet’s lifespan, it’s essential that you know how to monitor the weight as Terriers grow.

Rat Terrier

An adult Rat Terrier may weigh between 12 to 35 pounds. A Toy Rat Terrier can weigh from four to six pounds, whereas a Miniature Rat Terrier may weigh six to eight pounds. Larger ones like the Decker Rat Terrier may grow from 22 to 40 pounds.

Yorkshire Terrier

The weight of full-grown Yorkshire Terriers typically ranges from four to six pounds. Meanwhile, the weight of a healthy Teacup Yorkshire Terrier may only range from one to three pounds. While some may reach up to seven pounds, be cautious around this number as this may be a sign of being overweight.

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russells vary in weight and size due to their different purposes. However, According to the American Kennel Club, an adult Jack Russell Terrier should normally weigh 13 to 17 pounds. Meanwhile, a young Jack Russel averagely weighs around six to eight pounds.

Border Terrier

Border Terriers have naturally big bodies to keep up with hunters yet small enough to squeeze into tight spaces. Once they reach adulthood, male Border Terriers can weigh anywhere between 13 to 15.5 pounds. In contrast, female ones may weigh 11.5 to 14 pounds.

An image of a rat terrier

Boston Terrier

A Boston Terrier’s weight may range from 10 to 25 pounds, and going beyond that may be a sign of being overweight or obese. Adult female Boston Terriers can grow from 10 to 20 pounds. On the other hand, male Boston Terriers generally weigh 15 to 25 pounds.

Bull Terrier

A healthy adult Bull Terrier can weigh anywhere from 35 to 75 pounds. Females may only weigh from 45 to 55 pounds, whereas males can grow from 35 to 75 pounds. Young Bull Terriers may start at nine pounds then grow up to 17 pounds when they reach six months.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

At three to six months old, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier may weigh around 10 to 28 pounds. Once they reach maturity at 14 to 16 months, a female Staffy can grow from 22 to 35 pounds. Meanwhile, a male Staffy can hit 24 to 37 pounds.

American Pitbull Terrier

A newborn American Pitbull Terrier would start with two to five pounds. Female American Pitbull Terriers may weigh 30 to 50 pounds as they reach adulthood. Meanwhile, their male counterparts can grow up to 60 pounds and heavier depending on various growth factors.

What Influences a Terrier’s Weight?

A small Terrier can weigh up to 12 pounds, whereas some can grow as heavy as 75 pounds. However, there are several factors that influence a Terrier’s size and weight. While some are natural causes, others are within your control.


Several generations of a particular Terrier would have an ideal height and weight. This is why the weight range or proportioned weight of various Terrier types would also differ. However, this may also depend on whether you have a full-blood or mixed pet.


Dogs need a proper diet to stay in shape and have a healthy lifestyle. Diet and nutrition are among the things you can easily control when monitoring a Terrier’s weight.

An image of an American Pitbull Terrier
  • Consider the calories: You should also consider the specific calorie needs of your pet per day. Insufficient or too many calories may either lead to being underweight or obese.
  • Add supplements: If your Terrier is a picky eater, schedule a checkup with a veterinarian so you can get a prescription for supplements. You’ll usually need to include vitamins for your Terrier’s diet, especially if you’re mostly feeding it homemade meals.
  • Follow a meal plan: Schedule meal times so you can avoid over or underfeeding your Terrier. Setting a meal plan and time also lets you balance dry or wet dog food, organic treats, rice, and even vegetables.

As long as you feed your Terrier with the right kind of food in intervals, you may help retain your pet’s weight in its breed’s average range.


Age can influence calorie imbalance in Terriers. As Terriers grow old, some of them may not have agile bodies. In some cases, senior dogs also eat less, changing their weight over time.

Even young ones tend to minimize their activities, which sometimes depends on the owner. If your Terrier gets used to sprawling on the sofa all afternoon or morning because you’re not taking it out for a walk, it may eventually not like to do other physical activities.


Terriers are full of energy, especially American Pitbull and Boston Terriers. Encouraging them to move while ensuring proper rest can help control your pet’s weight.

  • Set an exercise routine: While Terriers are not necessarily hyper, some can be more energetic than usual, especially young ones. Get your Terrier to exercise at least 60 minutes per day to control weight and avoid pent-up energy. You can do this by combining walking and running.
  • Provide mental stimulation: Some senior Terriers may not have the power or strength to run or do obstacle games. Using puzzle games, interactive toys, and treat balls are great ways to keep a Terrier’s weight in check.
  • Ensure adequate rest: Rest is an important part of a Terrier’s routine. While Terriers have high energy levels, they are also among the sleepiest pets. They may sleep for 10 to 14 hours a day, so ensure that their waking hours consist of eating, playing, and interacting with people.
An image of a Yorkshire Terrier

Living Space

Whether it’s a 15-pound Border Terrier or a 50-pound American Pitbull Terrier, having less space to move around may prevent it from achieving the ideal weight.

If you need to keep your Terrier in a crate or playpen when you’re at work or having a baby, make sure that the size is big enough to encourage movement. When a Terrier only gets to sleep and eat in a living space, it may suffer from weight and mobility issues and challenges.

How Will I Know if My Terrier Has the Right Weight?

While you know that small Terriers may weigh around 12 to 35 pounds, and bigger ones can reach up to 75 pounds, it can still be quite tricky to determine if your Terrier has a healthy weight.

You can ensure this during your vet visits. However, it’s also helpful to do regular visual assessments.

  • A Terrier with the average weight should have a waist that subtly curves inwards. If it’s bigger or smaller than that, you may need to plan a change in diet.
  • Check your Terrier’s side profile. A healthy Terrier’s abdomen should slope slightly upward from the rib cage.
  • Touch your Terrier’s rib cage area. Your pet has the right weight if you can feel its ribcage yet not see the bones bulging through the skin. An underweight Terrier would have a visible rib cage, whereas you won’t feel the ribcage in an overweight dog.
  • Unlike Boston Terriers with short, smooth coats, other breeds like Yorkshire Terriers have longer fur. In such cases, swipe your finger along your pet’s spine to check the pelvic bone. Underweight Terriers would have a protruding pelvic bone, while healthy ones should have a thin layer of fat between the bones and skin.
An image of a Jack Russel terrier

Related Questions

What Are Weight-Related Health Issues in Terriers?

When Terriers go beyond their general weight range, they may suffer from excessive calories, leading to obesity. Considering that Terriers are brachycephalic breeds, uncontrolled weight may contribute to symptoms of heart disease and respiratory distress.

Terriers with weight-related issues may also experience arthritis, diabetes, and urinary tract disease.

Are Terriers Good Family Dogs?

Yes, Terriers make good family dogs and companion pets because of their playfulness, loving nature, and attentiveness. Their high spirits can make good playmates to kids, while their charm is perfect for senior citizens.

With patience, love, and proper training, different types of Terriers can become loyal and obedient family dogs.

Do Terriers Interact Well With Other Dogs?

Terriers are generally friendly toward other dogs. So, even if you already have a Golden Retriever or Chihuahua, you can bring home a Terrier to your loving family.

However, you still need to monitor their interactions at first, and it’s crucial that you discipline them on how to interact with other dogs or pets.

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Terrier weight may depend on the type, as small breeds typically weigh between four to 12 pounds. Meanwhile, larger Terriers can weigh anywhere from 35 to 75 pounds. Regardless, it’s essential that you plan the diet and activities to monitor weight to guarantee a long, healthy life.