You might be wondering at what age should you spay a Boston terrier? If your Boston terrier is looking for a mate, and you’re not ready for it, spaying may cross your mind. Also, if you don’t want to breed or can’t afford to take care of more puppies, this may be the solution that you’re thinking of.
At What Age Should You Spay a Boston Terrier?
You should spay a Boston Terrier at around 6 months of age according to most veterinarians. You should not spay your dog too early or too late. Boston Terriers undergo a heat cycle. After the first heat cycle, about 5 to 6 months old, is the recommended age you should spay a Boston terrier.
If you are planning to have puppies before spaying her, you have to wait for the second heat cycle before breeding. Let her recover from the pregnancy, then spay. There are other things to consider before deciding to spay your Boston. Let’s talk about it.
What Does It Entail to Spay a Boston Terrier?
A spay is a surgical procedure that removes the ovaries and uterus of your female Boston Terrier. After spaying, your dog will no longer have the ability to get pregnant or go through heat cycles. Spaying can also prevent behavioral and medical problems in some dogs.
Spaying depends on the size and breed of the dog. It is not a one size fits all procedure. Before spaying, your vet may consider doing a blood test to ensure that your dog is free from any congenital diseases.
Why Should You Spay Your Boston Terrier?
A study of 2.2 million dogs found out that spayed dogs live 23% longer than their unspayed counterparts. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages to spaying your Boston Terrier. Here are some on my list:
Pros of Spaying Your Boston Terrier
First, let’s go over the benefits of spaying your Boston Terrier.
No More Heat Cycles and Pregnancy
Heat cycles in Bostons are very stressful. Her genitals are reddish and swollen. She will have a discharge that will attract unwanted suitors (male dogs) to your yard. Escaping will also be a problem for some fur-parents. The behavior of your Boston Terrier may also change during heat cycles because of irritation and stress.
The same thing applies when your Boston Terrier is pregnant. She will have medical needs and behavioral changes. Pregnancy is much more expensive than spaying your dog. Plus, the pups will have needs, too.
After spaying, all of these problems will be gone as well. You can freely take her for a walk, and not worry about other dogs following her. She will be calmer and more affectionate as well.
Fewer Risks of Certain Types of Cancer and Other Disorders
A study led by Dr. Benjamin Hart, a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, found out that female Boston Terriers that are spayed at 6 months old did not experience an increased risk of joint disorders or cancers.
Spaying your Boston Terrier before the first heat cycle will eliminate the chance of her getting ovarian and mammary cancer. Female dogs experience false pregnancy, hence, producing milk. Hormonal changes associated with false pregnancy can ruin your dog’s metabolism and cause health problems, even death.
Another disorder that a spayed Boston Terrier will not get is Pyometra. It happens when the uterus gets infected and is filled with pus. If left untreated, an intact (unspayed) female Boston Terrier could become septic resulting in death.
Reduce Dog Overpopulation
In the United States, there are at least 40% of households that own a dog. To control the population of dogs, spaying is the solution. Spaying is often a requirement when adopting dogs from shelters or rescues.
Cons of Spaying Your Boston Terrier
Now, let’s go over the downsides of spaying your Boston Terrier.
Possible Weight Gain
Spaying your Boston Terrier changes her metabolism and hormonal make-up. That means you should adjust the amount of food that you give her. While you feed her the usual dog food, it can be less than the amount of food you feed her before spaying.
Proper exercise can prevent your Boston Terrier from being overweight or obese. There is always an option to monitor their weight. Extra weight leads to joint arthritis, pancreatitis, heart disease, and diabetes.
Increases the Risk of Hemangiosarcoma
Hemangiosarcoma is a deadly type of cancer. It is most common in Boston Terriers, Boxer, Bulldog, and Retriever dogs. It happens due to the lack of hormones produced when a dog is unspayed.
A spayed Boston Terrier is twice as likely to develop spleen hemangiosarcoma, and five times as likely to have heart hemangiosarcoma.
Triples the Risk of Hypothyroidism
The hormonal changes in a Boston Terrier’s body upset the endocrine system. It causes low thyroid levels and may result in weight gain and lethargy. Fortunately, it can be treated with a daily thyroid supplement for the rest of her life.
Urinary Incontinence
If you spay your female Boston too early, she may be prone to urinary incontinence in her old age by 20%. It means that she will lose control of her bladder, which results in leakage of urine.
Aside from urinary incontinence, if your dog is spayed at an early age, she will have an increased risk of bone cancer, hip dysplasia, and ligament tear.
How Age and Medical Conditions Relate to Spaying
Female Age | Hip Dysplasia | Cruciate Ligament Injury | Elbow Dysplasia | Lymphoma | Mast Cell Tumour |
Less than 6 Months | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | Slight Risk |
6 to 11 months | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | Slight Risk |
1 year | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk |
2 to 8 years | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk |
Female Intact | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | No Risk | Slight Risk |
Related Questions
How Much Does Spaying a Boston Terrier Cost?
The average price of spaying a Boston Terrier is $200 to $300. It will depend on the area where you live. If you live in a big city, expect higher costs. Public agencies and country veterinarians offer lower costs.
How Long Does a Heat Cycle Last?
A heat cycle typically lasts up to 21 days. In the early days, you may notice that your dog’s vulva is swollen and there’s white discharge. Most dogs in heat tend to be more uncomfortable and noisy.
Will My Boston Terrier Calm Down After Being Spayed?
Your Boston Terrier won’t likely calm down after being spayed. If your dog is hyperactive, spaying won’t lessen its energy level and it also won’t change your Terrier’s personality.
Spaying should be at the proper age, which is at least 6 months old. Spaying your Boston Terrier too early or too late puts her life in danger. Avoiding heat cycles, pregnancy, and overpopulation are the advantages of spaying a dog. On the other hand, some may be prone to certain diseases after spaying.