Are Boston Terriers Hypoallergenic?

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Most people considering buying Boston Terriers think that these dogs are allergy-friendly because they’re short-haired and don’t shed much. However, it’s advisable to expose yourself to the dog for a few days to see if you’ve allergic reactions. So, are Boston Terriers hypoallergenic? Let’s find out. 

Are Boston Terriers Hypoallergenic?

No, Boston Terriers are not hypoallergenic because they do shed although minimally. Unfortunately, their dander can spread around your apartment or stick to their coat and make you have an allergy attack.

Moreover, Terrier dogs suffer from allergies that can make their skin itchy, causing them to scratch, shed hair, and spread dander. So they’re not considered hypoallergenic. However, spotting symptoms of an allergy immediately can help you take care of your puppy and increase their comfort during their outburst. 

Sleeping Boston Terrier

What Is Pet Dander?

Pet dander is the dead skin cells shed from your Boston Terrier and it’s the main cause of allergies in people. However, the levels and concentration of allergen (a substance that causes allergic reactions) can vary depending on the individual puppy. 

This means each person may react differently to every dog depending on the allergy level, which ranges from mild to severe. When the dander their bodies produce triggers your allergies, you can find yourself sneezing or with watery eyes, itchy skin, and a dry throat. 

Do Hypoallergenic Dogs Shed a Lot?

Boston Terriers have a thick coat that doesn’t grow to long lengths, so they don’t shed a lot

The reason why they shed minimally is that they have one coat. You might not have a hard time cleaning your carpet in your car if your pet loves to sleep on it.

Puppies that shed a lot have two types of coats: a regular coat and an undercoat. Unfortunately, their fur ends up on the spaces they lay on including the couch and beddings. 

Allergy Symptoms in Boston Terriers

Generally, allergic reactions in Boston Terrier dogs show through irritations and skin rashes. Allergens such as dust and pollen can cause itchy patches on the ears, paws, and belly. Symptoms begin manifesting when the puppies are between one and three years. Signs to pay attention to include:

  • Increased licking of the affected area
  • Recurring ear infections
  • Rubbing the face
  • Licking the paws
Man wondering if his Boston Terrier is hypoallergenic

In severe scenarios, your veterinarian can carry out tests to identify the allergens your dog is most sensitive to. The good news is that treatment is available for these conditions. 

What Causes Boston Terrier Allergies?

Allergies can be caused by the following:

  • Genetics: Some allergies are inherited. This means if one of your dog’s parents has an allergy, your puppy has a 30% chance of becoming allergic. If both parents are allergic, the risk increases to 60%. So before buying your dog, ask the breeder if the dog’s parents have this sensitivity.
  • Allergens: These are foreign substances your puppy’s immune system reacts to such as food allergens (food additives, wheat, and corn), contact allergens (dog shampoos, plants, and dander), and inhaled allergens (mold, perfume, and smoke). 

Puppies that have receive antibiotics can also develop allergies. This happens when antibiotics affect the natural ecosystem of your dog’s gut and can damage the good bacteria that support the immune system.

Keep in mind that common allergens can be found anywhere in your home. However, identifying problematic allergens and eliminating them is a great start. 

How to Eliminate Dog Allergens at Home

Removing the dog from your house is usually the best treatment. However, there are some things you can do to help you minimize exposure if you still want to have your dog.

  1. Limit your puppy’s roaming area to give allergy sufferers in your home an escape area to go to whenever they’re feeling bad.
  2. Wash your couch cushion and pillows to get rid of your dog’s hair since dogs love burrowing on the pillow.
  3. Dust your home regularly to remove the hair and dander that’s scattered in your house.
  4. Dust your carpet in your house since carpets trap your pet’s hair follicles.
  5. Clean your home with an air purifier to improve the quality of air in your home.
  6. Wash your dog weekly to remove dander on their bodies and fallen hair in their coat.
  7. Clean your dog’s beddings weekly to remove the pet dander and hair in your home.
  8. Change your air filter monthly to prevent dander from spreading in your home.
  9. Vacuum weekly to get rid of excess dander and hair on the floor.
Shy Boston Terrier

Are Boston Terriers Vulnerable to Allergies?

Like other dog breeds, Boston Terriers also suffer from different allergies. Some puppies can even have several allergies simultaneously. Common allergies in Terrier dogs include:

Environmental Allergies

These allergies occur when your Boston puppy is exposed to seasonal allergies that happen during certain times of the year such as pollens. Dogs suffering from this allergy usually have itchy, red rashes on the face or belly and a running nose.

Food Allergies

Food allergies cause chronic ear infections and show up either as diarrhea and vomiting or itching accompanied by flatulence. They’re caused by grains and the protein content in their food.

Skin Allergies

This is the most common allergy in Terrier dogs and is caused by environmental and food allergies, as well as flea allergy dermatitis. They usually show up as persistent itching or red, bumpy rashes. The rashes can lead to bacterial infections if you allow your puppy to scratch herself until she bleeds. 

Related Questions

Before I wrap up this article, here are some questions you may find helpful.

Are Boston Terriers Bad for Allergy Sufferers?

Yes, Boston Terriers are bad for allergy sufferers because they too suffer from allergies, making them unsuitable for people with allergies.

What Dogs are Hypoallergenic?

While there are no dogs that are 100% hypoallergenic, there are less-allergenic dogs like Kerry Blue Terriers and Malteses. These are better options if you suffer from dog dander. These dogs usually have fewer or no allergens that can’t trigger allergic reactions in people.



If you suffer from seasonal allergies, then you can keep a Boston Terrier as your house pet. However, see your vet if your puppy is showing symptoms of allergies. Also, follow the steps I have outlined above to remove pet dander in your home. 

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